I don’t make resolutions for the new year. Instead, I set goals. I review these at the end of the previous year and set new ones. These goals cover many different aspects of my life, including fitness and hobbies, but writing goals are a big part of them.
I had two of these.
The first of these has been completed and I’ve had a beta reader look over it – some minor changes have been identified. The biggest issue I currently have with this book is finding a proper title for it! Even my beta reader was unable to come up with anything.
“Shuffle” is still being rewritten as I write this; I have done most of it by now, but the remaining chapters are the ones that require more complicated changes and bigger rewrites, so I’ve become a little bogged down. However, with a daily writing habit, I know I will get there eventually!
Updates to listing for “The Amnesia Project” – this is currently being listed on Amazon as a psychological thriller, and this is true – but I also want to pitch the sci-fi side of the story as well, partly because my newer works are much more in this direction. I may need to update the cover as well, but I intend to list this one as sci-fi AND as a psychological thriller, as it straddles both genres. This should hopefully be quite straightforward!
Finalise and publish “Dark Elements” – my next novel. This needs a cover, a blurb, a few tweaks to the text, and compiling into various formats. It also needs a proper title. I’ve brainstormed several, but none of them are quite right.
Complete rewrites to “Shuffle” – underway, and going well. Once these are done, I’ll need to find a cover for this book too.