November is here already, and I’m hard at work on a new novel. At the moment it’s labouring under the working title of “Dark Elements”, but I’m sure a better one will be along in due course.
I entered NaNoWriMo a few years ago, and I wrote an entire 50,000 word novel in the course of a month. This was not easy. I still have that novel in my archives, and one day I shall return to it and give it a complete overhaul. It was good, but it was pretty rough.
This time, I’ve planned a little more carefully. I’d like to avoid needing to give “Dark Elements” too many rewrites. Will I make it? I don’t know. But “failing” with 40,000 words of a new novel in one month is still a fantastic start. And I’ve still got plenty of time.
Are you in NaNoWriMo this year? It’s something every writer should try at least once. Don’t expect a bestseller to come out of it – at least, not in one draft – but you’ll learn a lot about what you’re capable of.
Now, back to the novel!